of thee I sing
a larger mystery than normal, the brave lived to tell me about it!

Block #91 is a cool flag! I was surprised how fast and easy it went to together! Just in time for the 4th of July. Thank you.
Teresa Catlett

Lourdes Haach
Hi Linda! Here it is! My New mystery block is ready.

Marilena Fiusa
I was very happy to be the first to finish the block. I worked really hard, there were too many little pieces, making it
difficult to execute. For many years I have been making the blocks of Paper Panache and always get excited and I can't wait to see what comes next. I am planning to make a quilt with all the blocks I have ever made. I think my first one was 43 !!

Anita Daggett
Here’s my version of the current mystery. I would have been finished with it 2 weeks ago but I had an accident with my rotary cutter than required 8 stitches. Never rotary cut in haste! A 33 year record of safe cutting was wiped out in a millisecond!

Renee Coley
I have a flag! Yay! This was my first mystery block and it was a doozy! I think my computer/printer settings were off because my finished size is 15.5x12 and the seams don’t all quite line up correctly... darn! But it is still a beautiful block! Definitely stretched me, my most intricate paper piecing to date.
See printing suggetion information below.

Glenda Zinsitz
It is a Flag with Stars and Stripes. Very patriotic! Thanks again for a great block! It was fun to piece together. O.K. you have me thoroughly addicted to paper piecing now!

Peggy Rash
Your mystery of the flag was soooo timely ... and quite a challenge too! Thank you for making it all so special...It’s proudly flying on my front door for the 4th! You provide so much fun by sharing your skills with us! Enjoy the holiday!

JoAnn Korzenko
Very nice just in time for the holiday. Thanks

Alice Kellogg
Loved this pattern and loved making it.

Ethel Gerwien
I have completed the Mystery 91. I haven't put a frame or quilted it. I am a Canadian living in Italy, so I am not sure what I will do with it. I had a bit of difficulty putting together the E 1,2,3, pieces as they were so small. I had one of the quilters who I sew with help out. I can't do puzzles well so these small pieces had me stumped. I finished just in time for the first of July!!!!

LouAnn Estey
I’m thinking of giving this to my BIL a Vietnam vet, to maybe put up in his local VFW. Thank you for all your patterns! ...I have done many of your blocks but I've been off line for years. I still have the flower bouquet that were won or gifted many years ago that I have added to. Many blocks came from far away and love them so I want to keep the names with the blocks ...Anyways thank you for sharing your talent!. Geez I need to finish the manger too!

Renate Coster
Good morning Linda! Here is my MB 91, I did not have much luck with the fabrics I chose but I really enjoyed doing it.
Thank you for this opportunity to participate, [there] are special moments in deciphering the mystery.

Linda Barnes

Erin Reinhackel
This was fun, but I'm not 100% sure I put everything together correctly =). Thanks, I really enjoy your patterns.

Teri Nisbet
I made a flag! I am calling it, "Of Thee I sing", because there are musical notes printed on my white star fabric. I will make it into a placemat and donate it to our local Meals on Wheels chapter. Happy sewing!
...Yes, Linda, of course you may use the title, I am honored that you like it. I actually finished layering and quilting the square last night: eagle fabric on the back with a golden scroll print for the binding, and wavy horizontal lines for the quilting (to suggest a breeze waving the flag). My simple sewing machine was not happy trying to quilt through all the layers of seam allowances at the star points, so the wavy lies wave a bit more than others in some places!

Lindi Overton
Reminders re printing out patterns:
--I highly suggest people measure that inch mark I put in every pattern, to see if they may be working with any printer-induced issues.
--Print at 100%: In the Acrobat Reader print menu, you will find options to set Page Scaling or Page Size. Set Page Scaling to None or Page Sizing to Actual Size where they exist. Each version of Reader is slightly different.
--If you have the option, print pattern pages to an inkjet printer. Laser or photocopied patterns may transfer ink when used with a hot iron. Inkjet ink, however, is not always waterproof, so press with a dry iron.